"Bullet Train" was directed by David Leitch, who once served as a stunt double for Pitt before moving on to oversee the likes of "Atomic Blonde" and "Deadpool 2." It centers on a hapless hitman whose mission to nab a suitcase full of cash on high-speed train in Japan, devolves into double crosses and brutal fights with an army of competing killers, thieves and social deviants.
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Most of these new features will be completed within the next decade, said Ding Rongjun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. He also is one of the key scientists behind Fuxing - the first bullet train fully developed in China.
The new model will enter service within five years, about the same period needed to create and launch the Fuxing, Ding said. In the next eight to 10 years, China will launch a 600 km/h bullet train that is suspended from a magnetic rail - nearly twice the speed of the one currently operating in Shanghai, he said.
Chinese engineers also are aiming to make future trains more comfortable, include adding more leg room in all carriages, stronger internet signals and some high-class seats that might involve adjustable interior and entertainment systems, such as windows that can change color or serve as movie screens, Ding said. 2ff7e9595c